AudreyMcD. Blog

My First Post. Oh my!

I woke up early this morning, thanks to my weenie dog barking at the birds outside, and I decided heywhy not make my first blog post online. It feels like a good day to verbally vomit onto the interweb. So here goes

Last weekend we worked for an important client in San Frnacisco. it was super windy out there but gorgeous as ever. I personally enjoy visiting the city but i could never live there. Just too many people and honking and trash. Not my style.

Anyways, we decided while we were out there that it would be a great place to make the announcement. So we did!

We officially announced online that in october this year we are selling everything and moving to thailand. yes, THAILAND! 

“But what about your recordings?”

no worries peeps! We will be bringing our studio equipment with us and building a new studio recording area at our home there on Koh Samui island. Plus we a;lready had our travel friendly studio from the fget go. That’s how i was able to record the vocals for the song ” Backpacking in Tokyo” while i was in CHina. hahaha! pretty cool right?!

Ever since we made the announcment things have been going crazy! Ya see our very close friends and family knew months ago that we were moving, but that was it. To everyone else it is brand new news…and they are freaking out. Plus i have to say that by going out with the announcement, it made it REAL. Put your money where your mouth is right? Loooks like now we have to move. 

no chance of chickening out!

So back to me…

I am here at my house, sitting on the porch, listening to the birds chirp and waiting for 8:30 am to roll around so I can leave for my favorite hot yoga session. Just contemplating everything that i swirling around in my head, while enjoyin my morning coffee. 

I am scared of this move! 

We’re selling everything we own and we each get two suitcases each to bring. That’s it. 

…but that’s not the scary part for me. 

The scary part is the thought of the unknown. The “what if”s of the whole thing.

What if we get home sick and want to leave after two months?

What if our dogs get stuck in customs?

What if someone get sick back home and is in the hosipital?

What if when we get there we realize this was all one big mistake?

The FEAR is real. 

I am scared.

But among all of my fears is the one thought that screams louder than any other

“What if I don’t move”

Greater than the fear of failing is my fear of never having tried. 

Life is short and you only get one. 

As many thoughts of fear cross my mind with the “what if’s” of the situation, so do the positives.

What if it’s amazing!

What if I find even more friends than when we visited!

What if I wake up in the mornings in love with where I am and excited about what I’m doing that day.

What if it’s mind blowing when I get to visit new places all over Asia.

What if my business thrives and inspires people from all over to follow their dreams of travel and singing

So here I am.

Sitting on my porch.

Having already taken the dive into lifes adventure…

….and enjoying the ride.


Have a beautiful day <3

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